Friday, March 11, 2016

Cheapest Ways To Lose Weight Fast For Women

Let's face it! We've spent bundles of cash on weight loss supplements, but not one could help burn the lard, let alone retain the results. The money-back guarantees on diet pills also fell flat when the time came to claim a refund. Now, tired, you've finally decided not to burn any more cash on useless, run-off-the-mill products. And, we must say you've done just the right thing!

Ways To Lose Weight

Why should you break the bank when you can trim your waistline without having to spend a single penny? Surprised! Right here in this article we've rounded up 4 cheapest ways to lose weight fast for women. Are you ready to take down?

1. Fat in moderation -
Fat has quite a bad reputation when it comes to weight loss, but you cannot cut it out completely because it can be your friend in this journey. The primary reason is because fat helps sustain muscle.

If you eat too much fat, you will add pounds and if you eat too little, the body will start using up muscle mass. The key is to take the middle path. You can eat food sources of fat in moderation. The easiest way to do this is going meatless on a few days and branding cheesy burgers and fries as occasional treats in your food journal. Also, be sure you consume healthy saturated fats.

2. Fill up on Salads-
Many women complain that they fail to drop weight despite eating only vegetable and fruit salads. Why? Because you're probably eating a salad made at a salad bar where you should have been eating a salad made at home. What's the difference? The high calorie toppings and dressing makes the difference. Toppings and dressings enhance the flavor of otherwise bland vegetables, but they contain fats, salts and sugar in large quantities and thus turn a nutritious low-calorie meal into an unhealthy, calorie loaded snack.

A better option is to dish out your own salads a home. Vegetables and fruits are readily available; seasonal ones can be bought at the frozen foods counter at a grocery store. Preparing a salad hardly takes a few minutes and it is also cheaper than the one you buy at a salad bar.

3. Double your intake of Fluids -
Fluid is an umbrella term for water, beverages, fruit juices, herbal teas, smoothies and colas. Should you have all of them? No. A weight loss diet only permits water, fruits juices, smoothies and herbal teas.

Water is very essential because it flushes of waste from the body. If you opt for fruit juices, choose freshly-juiced fruit juices over packaged juices. The later contains added sugars, flavors and preservatives that will eventually add bulges to your frame. Smoothies are a new trend when it comes to weight loss. They are mostly made of green leafy vegetables and are mixed with fruits to make it delicious and healthier. Beverages and colas are not recommended because they contain a lot of empty calories and they dehydrate the body.

4. Exercise wherever and whenever you can -
When we say exercise, our mind immediately pictures a gym with a few persons lifting weights and other exercise equipment waiting to be used. Exercise needs a disciplined approach but it need not be done only at a gym. In fact, in addition to your 30 minutes cardio or weight training session, you can turn all your household chores into an exercise activity. Thus, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office is within a few miles from home, you can walk or cycle. Gardening can also help in losing weight fast.

How would your life be if you could lose all the extra fat from your body? If you take action now, in 2 months you'll be incredibly sexy!

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Four Foods to Help You to Lose Weight Naturally

There are many fad diets that will help you to lose weight, only to have you to regain that weight again as soon as you stop the diet. But did you know that there are many healthy foods that can help you to lose weight? These are safe foods that you can make a permanent part of your diet so that you will never have to worry about gaining that weight back...ever again.

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Avocados. Avocados have gotten a bad rap due to their high amounts of fats and calories. But the fats that they contain are the good fats, which the body needs in order to absorb other nutrients. The calories are also not a bad thing, as they are loaded with essential nutrients that the body needs as well. Thus avocados can fill you up and keep you feeling full, so that you can avoid other empty calorie foods.

Avocados can be mashed and used as part of a salad dressing for leafy greens. They are also great when diced and served with rice and beans. In addition, if you love fruit smoothies, avocados can add a nice rich and creamy texture when added in with other fruits.

Nuts and Seeds. Nuts and seeds are another food that you might have been told to only consume in moderation, as they too contain high amounts of fats and calories. However, as with avocados, these are fats and calories that your body needs and will give you similar benefits. And the great thing about nuts is that they are easy to take along with you so that you can munch on them, whenever you feel the munchies coming on.

Nuts and seeds are also great when used as a topping for a leafy green salad. From a nutritional perspective, they are best when consumed raw, however, you can lightly toast them in coconut oil to bring out more flavor.

Leaf Vegetables. Leaf vegetables are also very nutritious and will provide you with a lot of nutrients and fiber that will clean out your digestive system. A clean digestive system is absolutely essential in order to lose weight naturally. In addition, leaf vegetables are also low in calories, which makes them perfect for combining with avocados and nuts and seeds.

To make a simple salad with your favorite leaf vegetables, simply combine them with a mashed avocado, some lemon juice and a hint of sea salt. If you love onions and garlic, then by all means add them as well, as they are excellent foods to help improve the overall health of the body.

Sprouts. Sprouts are another great food to add to your diet if you are trying to lose weight. They are one of the most healthiest foods on the planet, and are very economical. The best part about sprouts is that you can grow them right in your own kitchen in a sprouter, or in a jar. You can sprout just about any kind of seed that has been obtained organically for the purpose of sprouting. Once sprouted, you can add them to your salads, sandwiches, wraps and smoothies.

Before using the sprouts, make sure to thoroughly wash them and remove the hulls from the seeds. Also, make sure that they do not contain any mold, as sprouts are prone to mold.

By adding these foods to your diet on a regular basis, and gradually increasing the amount, you will begin to lose weight gradually. This is what you want, because rapid weight loss in many cases is not healthy, and the weight often comes back when the diet is stopped.

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Paleo Diet Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Paleo Diet and recipes
On first impression you may be thinking that, like most diets, the Paleo diet is going to be too restricting/complicated and mealtimes could become an 'issue'. Not in the least! Do not even consider for a moment that Paleo diet meals and recipes are going to be boring, complicated or lack in variety. Paleo diet recipes result in wholesome flavoursome meals.

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Protein plays a vital role in Paleo diet and meals should consist of approximately 60% to 70% percent of your daily food intake. The balance of course being fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds with additional oils used in preparation of the meals such as avocado oil, nut oils etc.

Remember shop fresh, organic, natural and wild. To be totally Paleo, eat seasonal as well - this of course being carbon footprint friendly.

Lunch and dinner Paleo diet recipes and meals can be adjusted according to your own personal lifestyle and requirements. To start out take your usual recipes and merely substitute the 'cannot have' with a 'can have' - you will be amazed how quickly you adjust and how capable you are of making your own Paleo diet recipes.

Some ideas for your three main Paleo diet meals for the day:

  1. 2 Poached eggs on a bed of lightly panned spinach
  2. Bowl of mixed berries with nuts and cashew cream
  3. A 2 egg omelette with filling of your choice eg - no dairy though
  4. Chicken liver and bacon with grilled tomato.
  5. Fruit smoothy of choice eg banana and nut; berries and fresh coconut blended with ice cubes.
  6. Steamed/grilled fish with grilled tomato and mushroom.
  7. Absolutely nothing wrong with having the leftovers from dinner the night before.
Lunch and Dinners
These can be adjusted according to your daily routine.
  1. Mushroom burger with salad
  2. Roast chicken, vegetables and salad
  3. Meat and vegetable kebab with broccoli and walnut salad
  4. Bolognaise - made with zucchini spaghetti
  5. Prawn, avocado and fresh asparagus salad
  6. Wholesome chunky soup.
  7. Steak, vegetable bake and salad.
Salads and vegetables can be enhanced with various sauces and dressings eg any easy to make dressing of the combination of honey, lemon juice, seasoning and fresh, finely chopped herbs of choice. Paleo tartar sauce made from Paleo mayonnaise can be added to seafood, be it fish, shellfish or crustacean. A basic Paleo diet recipe for mayo is as follows:

3 - 5 Garlic cloves peeled (large)
Approximately 2 cups of organic olive oil
2 room temperature, lightly beaten free range egg yolks,
juice of 1 organic lemon
small quantity of lukewarm waster

Crush garlic cloves into a paste and add to the lightly beaten egg yolks. Lightly beat with wooden spoon until the mixture turns pale yellow.

While blending the garlic and egg yolk very slowly (drop by drop) add 3 tablespoons of the olive.
Blend gently until the mixture is thick and creamy then add ½ to 1 tablespoon of water and 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice.

Continue stirring while adding the olive oil in a very fine stream. If the mixture becomes too thick once again add 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Continue like this until all the oil is used.
Always mix by stirring in one direction only.
Should the mixture split - put it over into a clean bowl and add a teaspoon of lukewarm water and mix continue like this until fixed.
Most important have fun inventing your very own Pale Diet recipes and meals.

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A Healthy Diet Plan is the Best and Easiest Way to Lose Weight

Over the last ten years the diet and fitness industry has experience exorbitant growth. Due to rise in diabetes and obesity, millions of people begin diet programs every single day. However, insufficient planning, overwhelming food cravings, and the availability of fast foods have made it extremely difficult for even the very best diet plans to work.

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Unfortunately, most diet plans cannot be sustained. The meal choices and calorie allowances are often too few and they are difficult to factor into the busy schedules of most people. Additionally, some of the diet plans are very drastic and can cause fatigue, dizziness, mood swings, and headaches. You can avoid all these pitfalls by sticking to a healthy diet plan and making some changes to your eating behaviors.

Breakfast - Does your breakfast often consist of a large cup of coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other as you rush to work? If so, you're definitely not alone.

Many on-the-go people have a tendency to skip breakfast. This is not a good idea because this is setting the precedence for the whole day. By the time lunchtime rolls around, you will be famished and fatigued. To save time, prepare a healthy breakfast before you go to bed at night. Include things like sugar-free muesli, low-fat yogurt, and sliced fruit.

Another idea for a healthy breakfast is an egg on a toasted English muffin. This protein packed meal comes in under 300 calories if you don't add cheese or processed meat. If you find yourself with just ten extra minutes, you can make an egg white omelet filled with vegetables. If you top this off with salsa you will be adding extra antioxidants to the meal. Avoid eating cereal for breakfast. Its much better to get fiber with foods like broccoli, spinach, peas, legumes, and whole grains.

Lunch and Snacks - Many people start feeling the urge to visit the vending machine down the hall either midmorning or in the middle of the afternoon. Most items is a vending machine are full of preservatives and refined sugar. These empty calories should be avoided.

Instead eat slice of low fat cheese and a grapefruit for about the same calories as 1/3 of a package of crackers or chips. Make sure you have snacks in your desk or in your car. Nuts travel well, but should not have added honey or salt and should be eaten only in moderation. Two tablespoons of cashews contain 200 calories; the same calorie count as two apples.

Nearly every dieter enters a danger zone at lunch time. The majority of lunch options include high sodium deli meat that's sure to cause bloating. Many salads and sandwiches have about the same calorie count as a hamburger. Good choices include lean meat sandwiches on whole grain bread. Skip the mayonnaise and use avocado, hummus or mustard instead.

Choose salad dressings that are made with extra virgin olive oil or balsamic vinegar. Eat plenty of vegetables and low fat meats. Try cooking chicken breasts at the beginning of the week to use for sandwiches and salads throughout the week.

Dinner - You will be at risk of binging when you enjoy those after work cocktails. Either refrain from drinking altogether or eat a small meal before you go out to avoid binging. Be careful with cocktails because one mixed drink can have up to 400 calories. Before you go home in the evening, have a good idea of what you will eat for dinner. If you plan ahead, you will be less likely to stop at the grocery store when you're tired and hungry.

Stock up on a variety of herbs and spices. Use spices like parsley, saffron, chili powder, onion powder, pepper, garlic, and curry to tailor every meal to fit your individual tastes. Give yourself permission to enjoy what you've been missing on just one day of the weekend, but return to your healthy diet the very next day. Sticking to a healthy eating plan is a little easier when you know you can splurge a little bit over the weekend.

For many people, holidays cause some anxiety. Don't beat yourself up if you've "blown it" after a day of rather generous servings. Just return to your normal, healthy eating habits the very next day. Be sure to exercise in moderation. Too much exercise will leave you hungry and can result in muscle strain. Strive to maintain realistic goals. By keeping your eating schedule easy, you will be much more likely to reach your goals.

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How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

It's the golden goose of fitness achievements - trying to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. But why?

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Building muscle requires additional "surplus" calories in your diet to serve as the building blocks to actually build the muscle you're trying to grow. Equally, to lose a pound of fat you have to burn off 3,500 calories - which is a large amount when you consider that an hour on a stationary bike may only burn off 200 calories or so. You could cycle for an hour a day, and diet, and still have difficulties meeting that 3,500 calorie deficit.

Try losing weight at the same time as losing muscle and you're in for the challenge of your life.

generally what works best, as these two processes are pretty much opposite ends of the scale, is to take it in turns. Decide whether you need to build muscle or lose fat more and do that for a while. When you feel the other is more important, do that.

Most of the "muscle men" you see in magazines and on TV use this muscle building and then a "cutting" phase to achieve that classic look, so rather than trying to swim against the tide, go with what works.

Firstly the muscle building.

Doing low reps (8-10 per set) of incredibly heavy weights hitting each muscle group 3 times a week works well. During this phase you will likely put on a little weight because you need those extra calories to build muscle but if you focus on a high protein diet with a reasonable amount of healthy fat, you should put on mostly muscle.

When you start to feel that losing some of the fat so you can see the muscle definition becomes more important, cut down on the calories. Also, keep lifting weights to maintain the muscle you have built but try doing higher numbers of reps with lower weights which should help to speed up your metabolism and burn off the fat you have accumulated.

Keeping your protein levels high, also add into the mix some interval or intensity training instead of cardio as this will boost your body's ability to burn fat without risking the lean, skinny body of a long distance runner that can occur when you spend too long on cardio. Remember - just having a higher muscle mass alone will help you to burn off calories and some people find they don't even need to switch their work out around. They just reduce the calorie intake a little and their body switches straight to burning fat.

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Dumbbell Weight Training For Faster Fat Loss

You can use dumbbell exercises and workouts to transform your body in the least amount of time possible.

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In order to burn fat at the fastest rate possible with dumbbell weight training, you need to follow a few important principles.

Use The Best Exercises
If you want to burn body fat at warp speed, then the last thing you should be doing are isolation exercises like curls, kick- backs, pec flys, and lateral raises. Those exercises don't recruit a lot of muscle mass, and therefore they will not elevate your fat burning metabolism.

To burn body fat you need to use exercises that not only burn a ton of calories while you perform them, but they will also keep your metabolism elevated for hours after your workout is finished. That is how you burn more fat faster.

In addition to dumbbell exercises, you should also use bodyweight exercises. They will help you burn fat, build lean muscle, and they don't require any additional equipment so there's no reason not to include them.

Note: the abbreviation "DB" means dumbbell

Lower Body- DB Squat (suitcase, overhead, front, etc)
- DB Deadlift (one leg, RDL, etc)
- DB Swings (double, one arm, etc)
- DB Step Ups
- DB Lunges (walking, reverse, lateral, crossover, etc)
- DB Bulgarian Split Squats
- Jump Squats/Lunges
- One Leg Squats

Upper Body Pushes
- DB Floor Press
- DB Bench Press (incline, flat)
- Standing DB Overhead Press
- DB Push Press
- Push- ups (walking, grasshopper, hindu, etc)
- Parallel Bar Dips

Upper Body Pulls- Chin- ups (pull- ups, neutral grip, with towels, etc)
- DB Renegade Rows
- DB Rows (two point, underhand, neutral, etc)
- DB Pullovers
- Inverted Rows

Miscellaneous Exercises- DB Snatch (split snatch)
- DB Clean and Press
- Burpees
- Squat Thrusts
- DB Man Makers

Those exercises will burn a ton of calories while you perform them, and they will also keep your metabolism elevated for up to 36 hours after the workout is completed.

Use Circuits
This tip is simple, but very effective. You should perform exercises back- to- back with little to no rest between them. This is very effective for burning fat, and it allows you to complete your workout in much less time.

The best way to set up a circuit is to pick an exercise from each category above, and perform them one after the other.

Use Different Repetition Ranges
For burning body fat most people only perform higher repetition sets. This is a big mistake. Using higher repetitions (12 or more reps) is very useful, but you can also gain a lot from lower repetition sets (3 to 8 reps).

One some days you should train with higher repetitions, and on other days you should train with lower repetitions. You will be sure to train all muscle fibers, build lean muscle, burn body fat, and also add variety into your training by using different rep ranges.

Sample Dumbbell Weight Training Workout for Fast Fat Loss
- DB Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 each leg
- Standing DB Overhead Press x 10
- Palms Up DB Row x 10 each side
- 1 Arm DB Snatch x 5 each side

Perform each exercise one after the other. You can either perform a total of three to six sets, or you can perform as many circuits as possible in 15- 30 minutes. Either method is very effective, however I prefer to perform as many circuits as possible in a set period of time.

The next time you repeat that workout, complete more circuits in the same amount of time.

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Fat Burning Soup - My Best Recipe For Losing Weight And Looking Great FAST

A fat burning soup that's delicious and filling is one of the best ways to slim down and get that flat tummy fast without having to starve yourself or spend days on a boring treadmill.

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Asian Mothers have a variety of soup recipes for this exact purpose, I can't tell you how many of them my 4 sisters and I had as children growing up in Taiwan...and they worked like crazy.

Today I'm going to give you a gift, one of my favorite fat burning soup recipes that I use in my local weight-loss classes with students who are looking to drop pounds quickly without gagging on nasty food!

Fat Burning Soup - The Skinny Asian Way
There are so many different fat burning soup mixes on the market today that it can be confusing and overwhelming to cut through the nonsense and find the best solution. Most of it is pre-packaged as a powder and loaded with artificial preservatives and chemicals, definitely NOT the way to get lean in a natural and healthy way.

And while you're not going to learn ALL of the fat burning soup recipes that Asian women use to get skinny (even after just having a baby) from just a single article online, you CAN pick up some great tips that will get you started:

1. Follow my fat burning soup ingredient list closely - Stick to this list of major items, don't improvise as these are all critical for your metabolic rate to be improved:

- 1 to 2 x Cans of Red Tomatoes
- 2 x Green Peppers
- 1 x Head of Cabbage
- 1 x Teaspoon Each of Rosemary, Parsley, Tarragon and Sage
- 3 x Cloves of Garlic (normal size, chopped)
- 1 x Large Red Onion
- 2 x Ounces of Standard Shitake Mushrooms
- 1 x Hot Pepper (don't worry, you'll barely taste it but it's important for weight loss)
- 1 x 3-inch slice of Kombu Seaweed (this can be tough to get, skip it if you can't find any)
- 1 x Cube of Vegetable-based Bouillon
- 1 x Typical Celery Bunch
- 1 x Tablespoon of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

2. Prepare this magic fat burning soup the following way -Cut everything into bite-size pieces, and throw it all into a medium pot. Add water until it's fully submerged, and then cover with a lid.

Bring everything to a boil, and leave it there for 10-12 minutes. After, reduce the temperature down to low (simmer) and continue cooking until the vegetables are nice and tender (it usually takes another 10 minutes of simmering).

I've had students lose over 5 pounds in a week just by substituting this exact fat burning soup out for what they normally eat at dinner, but it also makes a great lunch if you're on the go or working and need to resist a fast food run.

3. If you just can't lose weight ever, try this secret tip - I know it can be depressing, but if you're upset because nothing has worked you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

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